Tuesday, 15 December 2009

BOO update

On Arrival

front flipper edge Puncture to flipper

before shave after shave

On Monday we took Boo to the local vet surgery where she was sedated so we could clean the wounds a bit better and take a few xrays of the damaged flipper, thankfully nothing was broken though the puncture went straight in almost, if not to, the bone. While she was sedated I took a blood sample and swabs to send off.
Her whole underside from her ribs all the way back to her rear flippers are covered in wounds, some large, some small. Her side is also very swollen and bruised which is not suprising considering the size and depth of the main wound. Her tongue also has three bits out the end where she must have bitten it. This seems to be a common thing in grey seal pups up here where they get knocked around on rocks.
Her front flippers, as well as having the nails ground down she has ground down the edge of the flippers themselves, while this is relatively minor compared with her other injuries, it must be quite painful. It certainly looks it.
The wounds are many and will take a good amount of time to heal, but heal they should.
She needs a fair bit of extra care and a different routine to the others but fingers crossed she will make a full recovery.
Her demeanour improved over the weekend as she became used to her new surroundings and the routine, though she is still very aggressive when handled, which while dangerous is understandable considering what she has gone through and the pain she was in.
She has been given fish feeds the last couple of days and tonight for the first time she seemed more relaxed and swallowed them without biting the tails off. This is a good sign that she may soon start eating for herself as the less stressed we can keep her the quicker her recovery will be.
She loves being showered down and will sit under the shower all day if you will stand there. I have left her tap dribbling when cleaning but she is not interested in it, only the shower.

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